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How To Pick The Right University For You

You’re thinking about university and taking the next step in your educational career. Where do you even start? There’re so many choices and so many different courses, when you’re thinking about where to study it can be a really difficult choice. You’ve also got to think about the city, where you live will have a massive impact on how much ...

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How to Boost Your Confidence in Exams

They say that accomplishing anything requires a combination of inspiration and perspiration. This means that you need to work hard and work smart. This philosophy applies to any job, and equally to doing well on your high school or college exams. For many students the biggest problem with exams is a lack of confidence, or what some people might call ...

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Top Tips for Student Budgeting and Economic Skills

For many people, going to university means taking full control of their finances for the first time. Inevitably, they probably have more money than ever before, from a student loan, or perhaps from a summer job. It is a heady mixture, and it can also be a challenge. With so much money at your disposal, it can be tempting to ...

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