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The Most Effective Method To Write a Report

Reports generally involve presenting your investigation and analysis of information or an issue, recommending actions and making proposals. What is a Report? In academia there is some overlap between reports and essays, and the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but reports are more likely to be needed for business, scientific and technical subjects, and in the workplace. Whereas an ...

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How to Write a Best Business Proposal

Write Business Proposal

A business proposal can bridge the gap between you and potential clients. It outlines your value proposition, and its primary purpose is to persuade a company or organization to do business with you. So, how do you write a business proposal, and what is the proper format? While it depends a lot on your industry, and whether or not you’re ...

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Composing Skills and Tricks

It’s not unusual for us to have so many ideas when we write an educational paper, But sometimes at the end, you’ll need something else, something original. One way to make your paper more temperamental is to add some personal anecdotes, Even if you don’t like the theme very much, even a little story can be slowly circled,The best thing ...

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How to learn intermediate accounting easily?

Accounting is the analysis of the financial transactions within a business. The basic accounting principles focus on the investment of capital, different types of ownership and the creation of a balance sheet. Intermediate accounting elaborates on these basic ideas and introduces new concepts. You should already have an understanding of basic accounting before learning about intermediate accounting. In order to ...

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Addition ‘+’ | Basics of Arithmetic

This page is part of our basic series of arithmetic, which is the easiest way to process numbers. Here you will learn the basic addition of (+): how to add, and or combine two or more numbers to make a new number -total. The ability to “add” is important in all aspects of life, including family, school, work, and socializing. ...

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How To Build Rapport?

Rapport is a connection or relationship with another person. It can be considered a state of harmonious understanding with another individual or group. Building rapport is the process of connecting with others. Sometimes harmony happens naturally. We’ve all had the experience of “getting along” or “getting along well” with others without any effort. That’s how friendship begins. However, relationships can ...

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Skills to create a compelling vision statement

To lead effectively, you must have followers. A key part of gaining followers is creating and communicating a compelling vision, which means that others want to follow your lead. This is particularly important in driving change. Vision is an important part of leadership, whether as part of a major change plan or simply explaining where the organization needs to go ...

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Porter’s Five Forces

Since Michael Porter published his ‘five forces’ framework in 1979, it has gone on to become one of the most widely-used frameworks for strategic decision-making in business. In particular, it helps organisations to explore the competitiveness of their industry or environment, and identify where they can best make a profit. Porter’s Five Forces was designed to help organisations to assess ...

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Dealing with Stress – Ten Tips

1.Avoid caffeine, Alcohol and Nicotine. Avoid or reduce your intake of nicotine and any beverages containing caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that increase your stress levels, not reduce them. Alcohol, in small doses, is a depressant, but in large quantities acts as a stimulant. Therefore, using alcohol as a way to relieve stress will not ultimately help. ...

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Understanding Rape and Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a severe, punishable act that should not be taken lightly. Maybe you hooked up with someone while you were drunk. Maybe a stranger touched you inappropriately in passing. Maybe you were pressured into having sex with your partner. What is and isn’t considered sexual assault? In short, if you’ve experienced unwanted sexual touching, of any kind, then you’ve likely experienced sexual ...

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