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Emotional Intelligence

Many of us are aware of IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Designed to measure intellectual intelligence, it gives a score from a series of tests. Higher IQs indicate better cognitive abilities, or the ability to learn and understand. People with higher IQs are more likely to do well academically without exerting the same amount of mental effort as those with lower IQ ...

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How Online Training Will Change Your Life For Better

People are making use of technology more than ever, now with the Covid-19 pandemic, people are home prisoned and using the virtual world to its full potential. Earlier people use to do business meetings in offices, now zoom video call and google meet has replaced them. In addition, the schools that earlier had thousands of students are now empty. On ...

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How to write an assignment when you’re at University level?

Doing an assignment isn’t a linear process. You might backtrack, take different paths or go round in circles. You start by reading the task in detail to make sure you understand all the parts. There are different ways of doing this, so choose one that works best for you. You might revise your plan after more reading and thinking. This ...

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How To Pick The Right University For You

You’re thinking about university and taking the next step in your educational career. Where do you even start? There’re so many choices and so many different courses, when you’re thinking about where to study it can be a really difficult choice. You’ve also got to think about the city, where you live will have a massive impact on how much ...

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Top Benefits of Being a Certified with Cisco Certification Training

Network security is the practice of preventing and protecting against unauthorized intrusion into corporate networks. Planning to build a career in networking and security? Here is why you should give a thought of getting into a cisco certification training. Do you know how much impactful it is to have a Cisco certification training enrollment any at level? Being proficient in ...

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How to Boost Your Confidence in Exams

They say that accomplishing anything requires a combination of inspiration and perspiration. This means that you need to work hard and work smart. This philosophy applies to any job, and equally to doing well on your high school or college exams. For many students the biggest problem with exams is a lack of confidence, or what some people might call ...

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Top Tips for Student Budgeting and Economic Skills

For many people, going to university means taking full control of their finances for the first time. Inevitably, they probably have more money than ever before, from a student loan, or perhaps from a summer job. It is a heady mixture, and it can also be a challenge. With so much money at your disposal, it can be tempting to ...

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Supporting Children’s Informal Learning

The traditional view of learning is, perhaps, that it happens in schools. But even a little thought makes clear that this cannot be true: children are learning from a very early age, certainly long before they start school. This clearly means that parents have a key role in helping their children to learn. This page provides some advice about what ...

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